Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my images

This shows the relative size of the clouds. This also showes were they can be found in the atmosphere. This gives a good perspective of what shape these clouds are.

These are the many different types of clouds and the altitude they can be found in. This would be very helpful if your studied clouds.

This is the water cycle. This shows the different possible types of outcomes. This would be perfect if you wanted to know were are water came from.


Blogger Unknown said...

I have taken a picture of a cloud formation that is baffling me. I don't understand completely how it was formed. I can send it to you if you're interested. When I took the pic, I was at 35-40,000 feet above ground level and the cloud ceiling was 8-10,000 feet below me. The sky is completely covered with flat-ish, thick white, "cotton-ie" clouds. In the middle of it, it looks as if something were traveling through the air (I saw nothing traveling), leaving a wake much like a ship making a wake on the ocean, but then it stops abruptly and the clouds coalesced in a prominent pile. It was stagnant when I took the picture; it didn't move or continue to make a wake while I reached for my camera and snapped the photo. Let me know how I can send you the image because I am really curious as to how this cloud formed...

December 14, 2011 at 7:06 PM  

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